Getting Close...

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Today marks 3 weeks until I leave for Los Angeles. I cannot believe how quickly the months, weeks, and days are going....

We have booked our first weeks accommodation, planned a road trip to Lake Tahoe for Christmas, and I have mentally started packing (which is totally overwhelming!). Otherwise, the rest is waiting to be organised once we find our feet on American ground. One of the most frequent reactions I received from people when they found out I was moving to LA was 'why America, why LA?' ('why bloody not!' I would say to myself). 

I love the dream and cliché of LA, which to me is Old Hollywood circa 1950. I love the idea of America being the land of dreams, and the homeland of vintage. Although I completely adore and appreciate my homeland of Australia, at times it can be stagnant with opportunities, and at this point in my life, I need change and challenge before I settle with comfort. To move to America has also been my partner, Josh's dream since he was 13 years old, and I would rather live a long life with a man who does not hold regrets. Over the next 3 weeks I will sit in anticipation for the move to LA, where I can try to find where I fit in the giant puzzle.